The Drain Experts

Person pouring hot water into drain

Top 5 Tips for Maintaining Your Home’s Drainage System Efficiently

When your home’s drainage system is running smoothly you won’t notice a thing, but when something goes wrong – you’ll definitely know about it! Clogged drains, leaking pipes and rising water in your toilet are all causes for alarm, often with a costly repairs bill attached to the solution.

So, how can we prevent these things from happening before they get to a stage where you need to call for an emergency blocked drain service in Melbourne?
Performing constant maintenance on your drains doesn’t sound like fun, but a few small acts every now and then can maintain a healthy drainage system and prevent catastrophes that can damage your home and your health.

There are many ways you can keep your drains in good health, and we’ve gathered our top five right here – try some of these tips to improve your home’s drain health today!

Tip 1: Only Liquids Should Go Down Your Drains

Unhealthy drainage systems are often clogged with things that aren’t supposed to be there, many of which occur from improper disposal.

Solids like paper towels, serviettes and sanitary products can all find themselves in pipes, causing them to swell with water and create severe blockages in your pipe system. These foreign objects are often flushed down a drain but should actually be disposed of in a bin, either in your bathroom or in the kitchen. 

Another common clog material is fatty liquids, like leftover cooking oils, and uneaten meal remains that make their way into the kitchen sink. While it may seem tempting to fill your oily pans with hot water and then pour it down the drain, this mixture will quickly cool and become solid in your pipes. 

These sticky, fatty blockages can also attract pests and act as a food source for them, leading to potential health risks from disease. Instead, pour cooking oils into a jar, which you can place into your bin once full. Never leave food particles to disappear down your kitchen drain – install drain guards and always dispose of them in the rubbish instead.

Tip 2: Keep Your Drains And Gutters Clear

The source of your drain blockages can also come from outside the home. Old leaves and small sticks can quickly block your clean gutters and drains, especially in autumn and winter when they start to drop and heavy rainfall occurs. This debris can prevent water from running safely off your roof, instead causing it to pool and become stagnant. In turn, this can lead to mildew and moss growth on your roof, which can even attract pests!

Leaves can clump together in your roof drainage pipes, stopping stormwater from flowing and instead causing your pipes to clog and potentially crack and burst. You can prevent this by checking and cleaning your gutters frequently during the months when surrounding trees start to drop their leaves and by installing drain guards and gutter guards to stop organic matter from entering your pipes. You may need to do this year-round if you live in a windy area that causes nearby plants to drop leaves and branches prematurely or if you get a lot of heavy rainfall.

Do you have blocked drains in Richmond, Clayton, Kew, Hawthorn, Camberwell or Glen Waverley? Reach out to the team at Sven’s Blocked Drains & Plumbing for a quick and effective plumbing service.

Tip 3: Use Natural Drain Cleaners Regularly

You don’t need to buy expensive chemical cleaners to keep your pipe system healthy. Instead, you can make a few effective mixtures for drain cleaning using everyday pantry staples you’ll have at home!

The easiest way to give your drainage system a quick boost is to pour hot water down your drains every few months and maintain efficient drainage. Hot water (not boiling) is a safe and easy way to soften and break up food and grease clogs in your pipes, and won’t cause any damage to your pipes or the environment. Make sure not to use freshly boiled water, as this could cause a cold sink to crack or cold PVC pipes to melt and warp. If you want to boil water for this task, let it cool to around 70℃ before use.

Another natural way to clear a clogged drain is to use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Create a mixture with one cup of vinegar and one cup of baking soda, pour it down your drain and leave it for ten minutes. This fizzy mixture is handy for dissolving grease and fat clogs in pipes. Once you’ve waited, pour hot water down your pipe to wash away the mixture of vinegar and baking soda to finish.

You can use these mixtures for sink and shower drains when they’re looking a little dirty too, as they’ll lift old stains and move the dirt along. Regular cleaning will keep your drains looking their best and also prevent potential issues from arising!

Hot water being poured into sink drain

Tip 4: Keep On Top Of Repairs

Maintaining a healthy drainage system means keeping on top of minor problems before they become major ones with regular maintenance and proactive measures. A sink with slow drainage is easier to fix than a fully backed-up one, and a slowly dripping pipe can be repaired much quicker than a fully burst system.

This means you’ll need to be aware of the early warning signs of a faulty drainage system. Obvious signs like a dripping pipe or a slow-flushing toilet are easy to spot, but here are some lesser-known signs to look out for to prevent future issues and expensive repairs:

  • A gurgling, smelly drain can indicate a partial clog. The noise comes from air being pushed through the clog as water goes down it, while the smell indicates the organic matter in the clog is starting to rot. Get on top of this clog while the drain is still working and remove the food residue using some of the tips above.
  • Mysterious puddles of water can indicate a nearby leak. Keep an eye on sudden patches of water in areas like the kitchen and bathroom, as it usually means water is slowly leaking nearby and moving into open space. This slow leakage may turn into a sudden water flow if not addressed, so don’t ignore this water pooling when you find it.
  • Damp, wet patches and colour changes on your wall may indicate a leaky or burst pipe inside. Water seeps into the walls of your home, causing a change in colour and affecting the integrity of the wall with water damage. Get onto this quickly before mould starts to grow or the stability of your home is degraded!
  • A change in the usual water pressure in your sinks or shower can indicate a clog or a leaking pipe. No, you’re not imagining the enjoyable pressure of your shower has gotten worse – it probably means the water is escaping somewhere it shouldn’t! If the flow of water is still ongoing it means the pipe is still working to a degree, so get into this fast before your water supply stops altogether.

Tip 5: Schedule Regular Inspections

You can inspect your home’s drainage system regularly, but sometimes you’ll need the eyes of a professional to really know what’s going on. That’s why annual plumbing inspections are crucial to the ongoing health of your home’s pipes, drains and other water systems.

A good blocked drain plumber in Melbourne will not only inspect your home’s drainage system but can also provide advice on preventing clogs and potential damages in the future. Their advice is better than anything you’ll find on the internet, as it will be tailored to suit your home’s specific drainage system, including customised tips pertaining to the age and design of your system.

Do you need a blocked drain plumber in Melbourne? Reach out to Sven’s Blocked Drains and Plumbing, your local drainage plumber for Glen Iris, Glen Waverley, Northcote and other nearby areas.

Svens Plumbing staff fixing a blocked drain

Trust Us To Keep Your Drains Healthy

You can trust the team at Sven’s Blocked Drains & Plumbing for expert advice and exceptional service. As your local specialists for blocked drains, we are keen to give you the best results possible for your plumbing problems.

Contact us on 1300 DRAIN when you need an emergency blocked drain service in Melbourne. Our fully licensed and highly-trained team of professional plumbers are always ready to assist, whether it be for an emergency or for regular inspections.

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